Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)
Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)

Magic Nipple Covers (reusable)

Regular priceRp 485.000,00
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These Magic Nipple Covers are essential in every wardrobe. Seamless, lightweight, with a skin-like finish, these Magic Nipple covers are sure to blend effortlessly into your skin, staying undetectable under your top.

Want extra security? Our Magic Nipple Covers (adhesive) have a thin layer of adhesive. These Magic Nipple Covers are washable and reusable, so they can be used over and over again.

Our products are not intended for individuals who have sensitive or thin skin or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • Diameter: 3.15inches (8cm / 10cm)
  • Reusable
  • Seamless

Setiap produk memiliki sizing chart masing-masing dan sizing mengikuti ukuran bra yang biasa kamu pakai, bukan ukuran cup bra. Jika kamu diantara ukuran (contoh: terkadang saya memakai 32A atau 32B), beberapa produk menyarankan kamu untuk turun size atau naik size. Kamu dapat menemukan tabel sizing chart di setiap laman produk saat kamu berbelanja, atau lihat panduan lengkapnya disini! Mohon pilih dengan hati-hati atau tanyalah staff kami jika kamu tidak yakin karena kami tidak menerima pengembalian dana ataupun penukaran.

Good to know: these BOOMBA Magic Nipple Covers are also popular with shoppers who are looking for an invisible bra, a sweatproof bra, a braless option and a seamless bra. And yes, Magic Nipple Covers are the ultimate bikini hacks every woman should know, and these inserts are perfect for outfits with plunging necklines!


Magic Nipple Covers (Non-adhesive)

Before usage of the Magic Nipple Covers (no adhesive), wash the nipple covers and fling off any excess water. Apply to nipples while damp and hold for a few seconds. Smooth out any trapped air bubbles under the Magic Nipple covers (non-adhesive).

The Magic Nipple Covers (non-adhesive) must be washed before every use to remove skin residue and debris. If Magic Nipple covers are not properly cleaned before usage, they will not adhere securely.

Magic Nipple Covers (Adhesive)

To clean, Gently use the pad of your fingertips to wash the adhesive while avoiding contact with your fingernails to prevent damaging the adhesive. Rinse the Magic Nipple Covers (adhesive) with warm water to remove any residue. Carefully shake off excess water and allow the inserts to air dry in an area free of dust particles.


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Boomba is the #1 invisible bra, according to popular publications like GQ, Glamour, Vogue, Forbes, Vanity Fair, BuzzFeed, Yahoo!, Scary Mommy and 10 Tampa Bay
With over 100,00+ happy customers, Boomba invisible bras are rated 4.9 out of 5

Real Girls, Real Results

Real Girls, Real Results

Real Girls, Real Results

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews

Love these covers - decided to take the 10cm diameter adhesives ones to avoid any awful lumpy edges and they are undetectable under fitted tops!


My go-to

Loving this overall!

When I used them the first time, it made my nipples itchy after I removed them. Then I decided to wash them before and after using them and when I did that, they didn’t make my nipples itch anymore. They did, though, start to peel halfway through the day but thankfully never completely fell off. However it made me feel conscious. There’s definitely a learning curve.

After that I wore them a couple of times more and now they stick on all day. The edges do come off a bit but that’s alright.

I’m still really glad overall that I got the magic non-adhesive nipple covers. They are fuss-free and easy to use and I don’t have to wear the uncomfortable strapless bra anymore!

Catherine Yeo
Perfect for all occasions

Have the adhesive & non-adhesive ones. Both suits different types of clothing but are amazing! Other than wearing the inserts & sticky bras, I've not worn traditional bras in quite a few months!

Great quality!

On my second pair! My first pair lasted me almost one year, the adhesive is good quality and so are the nipple covers. These are my go to for summer :)

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